Four Months

Dear Momma,

Today marks the fourth month since you've left Earth for Heaven. What's it like? Are there seasons? We had one hot week of summer. Which just so happened to be the week I helped out with VBS at my church. The weather for the past 2 weeks has been cooler. I hate it. I want hot weather. When I write these I pretend that God prints them out and gives them to you. How sweet would that be? Maybe He does.

I feel like so much has happened in the past month. It's hard to remember everything. The last day of STAP camp was July 26. STAP flew by, although, it was crazy at times and quite difficult. We also started to re-do the family room. The painter has been here all week painting. We picked out Bansai Tint for the walls. It is a light green color. I am going to post pictures of the room in a later post...maybe God also has a color printer!

On July 14, I participated in The Color Run Philadelphia. This year was different than last year. Last year there were 4 of us but this year we had 13 members on our team, the Wonder Biddies. That's right, Wonder Biddies. Bryanna emailed TCR and asked if we could change our team name in honor of you. Bryanna also created the sweetest t-shirts that we wore in memory of you. I even got a compliment on the shirt during the run. My heart was so happy to be reunited with all of the biddies (Kristy, Kate, Nicole, Ashley, Bryanna, Shalisa, Rozzie) for The Color Run! Deb and Lindsay were also on the team. So was Lindsay's friend Rachita. I am so blessed by Liz who was also a Wonder Biddy for the day. Plus her bestie, KP was an honorary biddy for the day. Now I am going to do something which is a first for this some pictures. Momma, these pictures are for your viewing pleasure. I think I look the same as I did four months ago.

Your daughters. The front of our shirts displayed the Wonder Woman logo. And the back has your name, dates and dash, and a quote, "a dash well lived". (so true) 

Here is a picture of the biddies before the run. So clean. (Bryanna, Kristy, Shalisa, Rozzie, Ashley, Me, Kate and Nicole)

And here we are after the run! It was so fun! 

 So blessed by this girl for many reasons but also because she ran with me for the entire run. 


 MOM! MOOOOOM! Nicole and I got to go up on stage and dance and throw out free stuff in front of over 20,000 people! How cool is that?! This was the view that I had while I was on the stage!

 We still can't believe that this was real life. GO BIG OR GO HOME.

The Color Run was awesome! I know you would have loved seeing the pictures so I sure hope God can print them out for you. I also went to the Beyonce concert in July with Deb and Lindsay. It was an awesome show! Oh my gosh, Mom, Lindsay got a job! I know you would be so proud of her. It is a part-time position at a department store but it is still so exciting. Her first day was today! Dad continues to play a lot of golf. He has funny tan lines because he never wears sunscreen. I want to tell you that Dad fainted last month while at a baseball game with some of your friends. They drove him home and made sure he got something to eat. This happened while were at The Color Run. It was a very scary time for all of us. He also had surgery last week to remove a small bump in his ear and it is at the lab now for a biopsy. I am remaining faithful that God will take care of us and I know that God is always good. No matter what.

I had a job interview this week. I am definitely trusting God with that. They do not currently have any open positions but if God wants me to work there then He will make it happen. My work schedule for the next few weeks is pretty empty. I suppose I will just spend that time with Dad. Time is so precious and I hate that I waste so much of it.

Momma, I know this was a long letter but I had so much to say. I feel like I am forgetting some things but since this is a blog, I can edit it whenever I want to. I love you so incredibly much. There are so many reasons I wish you could be here. All of them are selfish though. God needs you more. His plan is far greater (understatement) than my plans could ever be. I miss you I would give anything just to see you again. Who doesn't already know that? I cannot believe that it has been four months. I can't believe that you are not here. Everything happened too fast. I blinked and we were saying goodbye. I love you so so so much.

Be good. (You always ended phone conversations with that phrase)

P.S. If you get a chance, please reply. I would absolutely love to hear from you. (understatement)


  1. This is perfect, Kels. I'm sure God has a color printer... I mean, he's God.


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