Two Months
Hi Momma
This past Saturday marked 2 months since you met Jesus. June 8, 2013. I miss you like crazy.
Life is still moving, although I wish it would stop. I am so lonely most of the time. I wish you were here to hang out with. How is Heaven? I hope it's awesome! That's me trying not to be selfish, wishing you were here.
Daddy went to a party with your friends on Saturday. I didn't know he was going until he was there and texted me. I'm sure it was very hard for him.
As for my job, I'm tired of it. I want a new one. My dream job would be to work in television...probably the news. I still watch Good Morning America everyday. I would totally work there. I am transitioning from school to camp. That will be a nice change. It will be different this year because of new regulations but hopefully it will still be fun.
To take up some of my time, I signed up to help out with the children's ministry at my church 3 times this summer. This past Sunday was my first time. It went pretty well. I will do it again next month and then once more in August.
Coco, there is a half-marathon I am thinking about doing next year. It's called the Disney Princess Half Marathon. A few of my friends want to do it. I am so hesitant to sign up for a few reasons. 1. I have never run that far in my life. 2. I'd have to train in the dead of winter. 3. Anxiety. 4. I'm really not very good at it so I tend to only like things I am good at.
I do love Disney World and I love my friends. Do those positives outweigh my negatives? What do you think Coco? I've been praying that God would give me an answer but I can't seem to figure that out.
My bed broke today. Metal broke from metal. I think Dad is annoyed. I got that bed in 9th grade so I guess that happens over time? I will be sleeping on my mattress on the floor for the next couple of weeks...maybe months. Then when I was vacuuming where my bed was, I sucked up my iPhone cord and that definitely made Dad mad. He fixed it but he is mad so he told me to fix my own bed. So I don't know what I will do.
Oh mommy I miss you so very much. I wish I could come be with you. This life is too tiring and I'm so over it.
I love you more than the total number of shoes that exist in the world.
P.S. Disney Princess Half Marathon? Yes or no? Please reply.
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